Wednesday, 26-March-2025 07:41
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Almotamar Net - The reckless operation of Al-Maghamra, according to description of observers, carried out by al-Houthi elements of terror and sabotage by the operations of infiltration into the Saudi territories and the attempt to open a new fighting front with the Saudi army were not but a fresh confirmation on connection of this gang with foreign powers and its implementation of agendas of those powers, precisely Iran.

Sunday, 15-November-2009 - The reckless operation of Al-Maghamra, according to description of observers, carried out by al-Houthi elements of terror and sabotage by the operations of infiltration into the Saudi territories and the attempt to open a new fighting front with the Saudi army were not but a fresh confirmation on connection of this gang with foreign powers and its implementation of agendas of those powers, precisely Iran.

Observers affirm that the attempt made by al-Houthi gang is attributed to two main reasons , the first is the state of collapse experienced by al-Houthi terrorist elements as a result of the strong painful blows they have received at the hands of the Yemeni army and intensification of the blockade imposed on them .

The second reason is the attempt of those elements to draw Saudi Arabia to the battle field and to give the conflict a regional factor with the aim to find a cover of a regional mediation as a face-saving for them and help them preserve what remains for this gang of elements after sensing the nearness of the end of the rebellion sedition this gang has ignited in Saada.

After a week over the Houthi elements of terror's infiltration into the Saudi territories and beginning of confrontation between them and the Saudi army aspects of the scene of regionalization of the conflict began to emerge clearly by the attempt of the Iranian unprecedented interference in the events, revealed through statements of the Iranian foreign minister Manushahr Mutaki last Tuesday .

Analysts emphasize that the Iranian foreign minister's statements came to prove the Iranian support for the Houthi gang, which is a multi aspect and form on one hand and on the other hand they presented an evidence on direct involvement of Iran in standing behind the Houthi gang infiltration into the Saudi territories and the attempt of giving a regional stamp to the war that the Yemeni army is waging on the gang of rebellion in Saada.

Iranian multi-faced support for al-Houthi gang

Yemen has accused Iran of involvement in supporting the gangs of terror since the eruption of the rebellion sedition in Saada at the hand the killed Hussein al-Houthi in 2004 but those accusations remained directed to the religious authorities in Iran.

Except for Yemen's summoning its ambassador to Tehran in 2007 in protest to the Iranian support for al-Houthi gang , Yemen remained keen on its diplomatic relations with Iran despite of the emergence of indications on the latter's support for al-Houthi gang.

Since the beginning of the present military operations against the Houthi elements of terror last August many of the acts and evidence began to appear on the Iranian involvement in and support for the Houthi gang materially, morally and politically.

Facts, documents, information and field investigations disclosed the receiving of the Houthi terrorist gang of multi form and aspect support from Iran.

Media support for the rebellion

At the media level Iranian media outlets showed unlimited and unprecedented support for the Houthi gang of rebellion by adopting the rebellion gang's viewpoint and publishing it. the Iranian Al Alam TV satellite channel, recently closed down by Arabsat and Nile Sat, j addition to Tehran radio and Al-Kawthgar channel are marketing y the Houthi gang of terror and destruction's lies and adopting its media address and hiding crimes of the elements of terror against the innocent of the sons of Saada and other places that that suffered from their criminal acts.

Yemeni officials considered the Iranian media adoption of the address of the Houthi gang of rebellion and promotion of their lies as one of the phenomena of Tehran support and its stand behind the gang of rebellion, and as expressed by the political advisor to the Yemeni President Abdulkarim al-Eryani in one of his press interviews when he described Al Alam channel as an excellent Houthi channel.

The Yemeni minister of information Hassan al-Lawzi said in late of last October that the Iranian authorities were given documents proving the Iranian involvement, citing the role of the major Iranian media tools, whether those related to the government or those led by religious authorities, in supporting the rebels and marketing their address.

Financial support

On the other hand, Yemen's accusation were repeated concerning the existence of financial support for the Houthi terrorist gang by the Iranian religious authorities, and that was confirmed by President Ali Abdullah Saleh in his latest interview to the MBC channel in that the Houthi rebels receive funds from religious authorities and that was disclosed in the document s " we have obtained and via the cells that are presently standing trial."

The latest presidential confirmation was preceded by a previous presidential statement , specifically last September when the president said in a statement broadcast by Al Jazeera Satellite channel that the Yemeni security apparatuses caught two Yemeni cells that confessed of receiving financial amounts from certain Iranian parties amounted to $100 thousand. The members of those cells are now standing trial and some of them are already convicted.
The Yemeni foreign minister Dr Abu Bakr al-Qirbi for his part has aroused the Iranian and regional support for the rebels for more than once , pointing out the existence of external support for the Houthis , whether by religious authorities in Iran or by Shiite sides I Europe and some Gulf states.

The Yemeni foreign minister has affirmed it was not enough that Iran talks of its keenness on Yemen's unity and security but also has to prevent this support and to take measures against those sides. Al-Qirbi did not stop at demanding Iran to prevent the support but to the Houthis but said further that Yemen was investigating into the Iranian support and confirmed that the Yemeni government would publish to the public opinion he results on this subject and pointed out that Yemen preserves all available options .

Recruiting, training and armament

Observers believe that the most prominent things the sixth war, or in other words the military operations against the Houthi gang of terror and rebellion has disclosed , is represented in extension of the Iranian support to include operations of recruiting, training and armament.

In this context the d deputy editor in chief of the Egyptian Al Ahram newspaper, the researcher specialized in Yemeni affairs Dr Hassan Abu Talib revealed about the cultural attaché in the Iranian embassy in Cairo his playing a suspicious role in recruiting some Yemeni students studying in Egypt through his organizing visits for some of them to Iran for certain periods of time, reaching sometimes for more than two weeks.

Despite Iran attempt denying its involvement in supporting the rebellion gang but many facts refute that Iranian claim. The former field leader of the Houthi elements of sabotage in the area of Maath, the district of Sahar in Saada province Sheikh Abdullah al-Mahdoun, who had surrendered himself after the 5th round of the war in Saada, disclosed their receiving training on the use of weapons at several secret cenres in Mran, Dhahyan and Sahar and even in the city of Saada. He mentioned that the names of trainers were not known and were called by nicknames he indicated that some of them received training at the hands of foreign experts.

He said, " From the third war that erupted by the end of 2005 and continued until February 2006 , rockets began to reach us as parts and e began to make them , or rather assembling and fitting them and also we began manufacturing landmines."

The former field leader of rebel elements also spoke about Iranian, Lebanese and Somali foreign experts who were taking part with them in acts of destruction and said," The experts and trainers are foreigners and for the local ones they are of those who studied and received training in Iran or south Lebanon and depended on CDs and programmes. "

President Ali Abdullah Saleh indicated in this regard in his latest TV interview when he clarified that the fighting of the Houthi rebels discloses that their training is not an ordinary one but a training following the style of Hezbollah war in south Lebanon.

The President added, " Some information which we don't know the extent of its correctness in the field, and as published in some American newspapers , indicate the existence trainers from south Lebanon in Saada and maybe they were killed , that is what was published in some American newspapers."

Meanwhile, the MP for Saada Faez al-Awjari revealed about several forms of support the Houthi rebels receive from Iran via persons having business, money and relations with the leader of the rebellion in the form of different goods in their names and they transfer their price to the Houthi in Saada.

The first evidence on weapon support offered by Iran to the rebels began when a nu8mber of Houthi rebels, standing trial at Yemeni courts, confessed of using Iranian weapons in confronting the state. with the beginning of the present war army forces and security discovered 6 weapon depots belonging to the Houthi rebels in Harf Sufyan area and Saada province included light machine-guns , shells, short-range rockets , some of them made in Iran.

The capture of an Iranian ship loaded with weapons offshore Midi in Haja province on 26 of last October came to offer new evidence on the Iranian armament support for the Houthi rebellious gang.

Investigations with the5 Iranian ship (Mahan 1) crew revealed that the load capacity of the ship amounted to one thousand tons and has seven cabins on top. Among the things that were obtained inside the ship was a sea map on Yemen.

Investigations have also revealed that members of the Iranian crew had got rid of their mobile phones SIM cards and tampered with the ship's navigational apparatuses and its computers so that its route and the stations it had passed by or stopped could not be known.

Meanwhile, an Eritrean opposition leader on Sunday accused Iran of using his country as a base for transporting weapons to the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Bashir Isheq, an official in the Eritrean Democratic Alliance told France Press agency that the Houthi rebels receive Iranian weapons across Eritrea.

He added that weapons arrive in coastal cities of Eritrea, particularly the city of Asab then the Houthi rebels come and transport those weapons at night to Yemen.

An official source at the Yemeni foreign ministry has denied reports by some Arab media outlets and satellite channels alleging that the ministry summoned the Eritrean ambassador to Yemen to discuss information relating to involvement of his country in supporting the elements of destruction and terror in Saada. The source made it clear that the meeting between the foreign undersecretary for Arab, African and Asian Affairs Ali |Mohammed al-Ayashi last Monday in Sana'a with the Eritrean ambassador to Sana'a Musa Yassin Sheikh was an ordinary meeting that discussed relations of cooperation between the two countries.

Political cover of the rebellion and interference in Yemen affairs

The Iranian support fort the rebellion gang has extended to another aspect pertaining to the attempt of providing a political cover for what this terrorist gang commits. Statements of the Iranian officials, especially the Iranian foreign minister, have been repeated and expressing Tehran's concern regarding the situations of whom he called the Shiite in Yemen and then leading to offering an Iranian mediation for dialogue between the Yemeni government and the gang of al-Houthi .rebellion.

as the Yemeni army goes on dealing blows to the rebellion elements and toughening the siege an their remaining strongholds , Tehran tried to save the situation via its endeavor through what appears as a mediation it was supposed to be proposed during the visit by Mutaki to Sana'a last month . It was the visit that its postponement was announced for one week because of President Ali Abdullah Saleh preoccupation, just before the talk about that visit stopped completely.

Observers believe that that the passage of the date that was scheduled for the visit revealed as it seems refusal by Sana'a of any mediation, internal or external. For dialogue with the Houthi terrorist gang. that appeared clearly in insistence of the Yemeni political leadership on the military decisiveness , which was repeated in statements of President Saleh , the latest of which was his statements on the 7th of this month when the President said," No reconciliation, no leniency and no ceasefire but after the end of this aggressive and, traitorous rebellious gang in Saada."

Observers are of the view that failure of that visit made Iran changes its tactics by urging the al-Houthi gang to open a new fighting front, but this time with Saudi Arabia by the attempt of infiltration into the Saudi territories and committing aggressions on its army , a matter that would lead to give the conflict a regional characteristic and consequently to allow Iran to interfere via a regional situation in order to realize what it has failed to do through the mediation that Sana'a closed the door to it in the failure of Mutaki visit that was scheduled last October

The observers give indication to that what implications included in statements of Tehran foreign minister Manushahr Mutaki who did stop at affirming his country's attempt to mediate between the government and the gang of rebellion " We have announced our readiness to intervene and go to Yemen or we host Yemeni officials ", he has gone further t interfere in Yemen's affairs through his call as a state to what he called repair of its relations with Shiite in Yemen.

Te haughtiness of Mutaki did not stop at that but went further in interfering in Yemen's affairs by his attempt to diagnose the crises and challenged that face Yemen.

Analysts view that the comprehensive and unlimited support offered by Iran to the Houthi elements of rebellion and terror comes as part of an Iranian schemes aimed against the security of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region through using the Houthi gangs as a tool for carrying out plots and agendas of Iran. And that what confirmed it the operations of the rebellion in infiltration into the Saudi territories and implementing combating operations against the Saudi army.

Iran, from supporting rebellion in Yemen to targeting Saudi Arabia

Iran pushing of al-Houthi gang to target the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia comes directly in the context of the goals and ambitions which Iran aims to achieve in the region.

Observers considered Mutaki's warning of the region's countries of what he described as interference in the internal affairs of Yemen as a message intended to be the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in particular and those statements came coinciding with the Saudi army carrying military operations against elements of the Houthi terrorist gang in the Saudi territories in which they had infiltrated.

The analysts confirm Iran's endeavor to destabilize security and stability of Saudi Arabia but rather the entire region through associating the Houthi adventure of infiltration into the Saudi territories with the political differences that broke out between Saudi Arabia and Iran about the subject of pilgrimage.

Saudi Arabia had warned against exploiting the pilgrimage for political purposes after statements by the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmedinajad and the supreme guide of the Iranian republic Ali Khamenei in which the had criticized the Saudi Arabia treatment of the Shiite in the Holy places and demanded giving the pilgrims of their country the freedom in practicing their rituals.

The Iranian president had also waved of suitable decisions his country would take if its citizens did not receive suitable treatment during their performance of pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia.

In the wake of that the Saudi Interior Minister Prince Naif Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud warned that Saudi Arabia was ready to deal with eruption of sectarian disturbance during the pilgrimage season.

A group of religious scholars also had warned from politicizing the pilgrimage and preparing it for serving political purposes or achieving aims having no relationship with the pilgrimage legitimate intentions.

In earlier statements the judicial advisor Sheikh Abdulmuhsin al-Ubaikan mentioned that the pilgrimage is among the greatest rituals of religion and taking advantage of this duty for instigating sectarian seditions or raising political slogans would take this ritual from its meanings that for which it was imposed.

He added that pilgrimage is a pure worshiping and could not be considered a political occasion or to be exploited for arousing seditions or to settle sectarian or ethnic accounts.

Iran's support for the Houthi elements of terror and rebellion comes as part of a Persian scheme aims at not just destabilization of security and stability of Yemen and Saudi Arabia but includes the entire region and it is part of the Persian expansionist scheme that came in implementation of the world Shiite conference held in the Iranian city of Qom that recommended the necessity of generalizing the Shiite experiment that it said it was successful in Iraq to the rest of Arab and Islamic countries , including Saudi Arabia , Jordan, Yemen, Egypt, Kuwait and Bahrain and that is by building paramilitary forces for all Shiite parties and organisations in the world .
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