Wednesday, 26-March-2025 07:42
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Almotamar Net - Assistant Secretary General of the ruling General People’s Congress  Party in Yemen (GPC) Dr Ahmed Ubaid Bin Daghr has on Monday affirmed that he problems that happen in some southern governorates are not new but he pointed out that there is an attempt for escalating the acts of sabotage and violence by the so-called the Movement, saying Tareq al-Fadhly and others are committing aggressions on security and acts of destruction they want to drag security apparatuses into a confrontation with them.

Monday, 28-December-2009 - Assistant Secretary General of the ruling General People’s Congress Party in Yemen (GPC) Dr Ahmed Ubaid Bin Daghr has on Monday affirmed that he problems that happen in some southern governorates are not new but he pointed out that there is an attempt for escalating the acts of sabotage and violence by the so-called the Movement, saying Tareq al-Fadhly and others are committing aggressions on security and acts of destruction they want to drag security apparatuses into a confrontation with them.

He added, “Al-Fadhly and those like him are not able to achieve their aims as Yemen is one state and the entire society stands behind the unity.”

Bin Daghr said, “We are keen on prevalence of security and stability in the southern provinces and in the whole of Yemen and this is the policy of the state and its function is keeping security and stability but those who continue in violation of the law they have to be aware we are on the watch for them.”

He said those of the Movement, allied to the al-Qaeda have no right to stand against the state , indicating that if anyone facing a problem such as unemployment and poverty and if anyone having an issue had stood against the state, the entire Arab region would have been in a state of instability .

He pointed out that the problems existing in some areas are the object of concern of the political leadership and the GPC. He said,” We are concerned about curing the problems relating to unemployment and those related to providing job opportunities whether in Radafan or Al-Dhalie or Aden and others. “

As for talking about problems they are present in Yemen as a whole. Yemen is a poor country and not an oil country and its resources are limited and it is inevitable to face such problems. But Bin Daghr in return expressed his surprise on not talking about the development that the southern provinces have witnessed following the achievement of the unity. He said “No one talk son the bright side in these provinces which has been achieved by virtue of the unity, no one talks about that Aden has grown bigger and its area has doubled and services have become more available, no one talks of Al-Dhalie that it was a centre of a small district and now has become a capital of a governorate and here in it many services and the commercial movement.”

In an interview screened by Al-Jazera Satellite TV Channel on Sunday evening, the Assistant Secretary General of the GPC refused to talk about any identity other than the Yemeni identity, saying “there are some who talk about the south as if the south has become an identity. We have not known but one identity which is the Yemeni identity and the unity has given us a bigger identity. “

He advised those who talk about these matters, “Don’t try to talk about something not existing in the history and those marketing the talk on small identities want to pull you to a situation similar to that of 1994.” There are no identities other than the Yemeni identity and the talk about the identity of the Arab south is a term marketed by the British during the colonization and continued for a short time and included Aden and some protectorates but it had fallen, Bin Daghr said.

Bin Daghr added, “ We do not want the tragedy of ’94 to be repeated. We have different methods and ways to achieve the reforms in Yemen and solve the problems, whether through the national action or via the parties or the civil society organisations or even by peaceful demonstrations and marches. “

He said those who made the unity have no right to talk about the call for secession and have to comprehend the renascence the southern and eastern provinces have witnessed and the volume of the accomplishments that have been achieved in those provinces after the unity and after ’94. “ We tell those who are being deceived and talk about a south or a southern identity you are in the wrong position. We are living in Yemen and we would defend its unity. And if there were mistakes they would be dealt with dialogue and with peaceful methods. “

On the relations with the Joint Meeting Parties (JMP) and the halt of dialogue, Bin Daghr pointed out that the difference with the JMP was on their stance towards the events in the national arena , at the forefront of which are the rebellion in Saada and the acts of sabotage committed by the movement , indicating that the JMP was demanding the stopping of the war in Saada . he said,” We told them how do we stop the war with the side that attacks institutions , kills the citizens and raises arms in the face of he state,” affirming that the war would not stop until the rebels put down their weapons and commit to the law.

He added they were saying remove the camps from the southern provinces and “we asked them if they want to leave these provinces to al-Qaeda, and they (JMP) know that al-Qaeda would enter to replace the state in these areas.

Nevertheless , Bin Daghr pointed out that there is recently a return to logic by the JMP and he welcomed that by saying , “ We are ready for the dialogue and we have no conditions except that the dialogue should be under the ceiling of the republic and the unity .”

He maintained that as the talk of dialogue with those mutinying against the unity or the republic , it is a desire lacking of any logic . “ There is no possibility to sit with the Houthi to dialogue with him on accepting his establishing of an independent Emirate and the one talking on disintegration which al-Biedh raises , it is not possible to conduct dialogue with him . “
Bin Daghr affirmed the JMP halted the dialogue and the GPC was and will remain sticking to the dialogue , but the brothers in the JMP accepted the dialogue and then stopped it in a letter from their side.

“ We would not hold dialogue with the side raising the slogan of session and would not accept dialogue with extremist or racial slogans . As for the dialogue with the JMP , with the national forces and with any side believes in the republic and the unity , we are keen on it.”

On the latest call by the President for holding a national dialogue under the dome of the Shour Council , Bin Daghr emphasized this dialogue would include all the national forces without exception , indicating that the Shoura Council repress all parties and national forces.

He said the presidential call for dialogue is open to all forces and it is a national one , refusing he attempt of visualizing it by the some as if intended to one side or certain individuals.

Bin Daghr also emphasized that Yemen is a democratic country and peaceful transfer of power in it is available via democracy and via polling boxes , saying that the people standing by the GPC comes in this framework . He pointed out that some parties in some countries in the world remained forty years in power in a democratic way. He said the GPC is keen on going on with democracy to the end and would not concede democracy and that there is no other way of the peaceful transfer of power except the poll boxes.

Bin Daghr reiterated that the difference with the opposition is that it has no clear stance vis-à-vis the acts of sabotage and killing carried out by elements of the movement that kill citizens on identity and attack institutions , in addition to its stand regarding the danger of al-Qaeda.

“ We told them he Houthi rebellion is dangerous to Yemen and al-Qaeda is dangerous to Yemen and if we had agreed with the opposition these matters we would have not reached these problems,” Bin Daghr added.

On international fears that these problems could lead to the collapse of Yemen, Bin Daghr indicated that the world powers have interests connected with Yemen and what would happen to Yemen , would affect their interests
And any disturbance in Yemen would affect all and “ we understand these fears and we are keen on achieving stability and security in Yemen and rather are keen to listen to those who violate the state will but we refuse that to be by violence .”

Bin Daghr also pointed out that Yemen enjoys the freedom of expression , guaranteed legally and it appears in the existence of opposition satellite channels and newspapers and what they publish o different issues.

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