Saturday, 25-August-2007
Almotamar Net - MAHWEET. August 25. KAZINFORM. The General Authority for Antiquities and Museums (GAAM) is working to launch al-Taweelah mummies museum this year as the first regional museum for embalmed mummies in the Arabian Peninsula. KAZINFORM - MAHWEET. August 25. KAZINFORM. The General Authority for Antiquities and Museums (GAAM) is working to launch al-Taweelah mummies museum this year as the first regional museum for embalmed mummies in the Arabian Peninsula.

Maintenance and refurbishment studies have been finalized to commence preparing the museum's antique building which is set to be located in al-Taweelah district of Mahweet governorate.

Director of the GAAM office, Mohammed Qassim, affirmed in remarks to Saba that preparation works would be kicked off soon this year.

The museum is expected to exhibit mummies discovered in rocky cemeteries in Mahweet dated back to the beginnings of the history, Qassim explained, signaling that the museum would gain a historical and national importance besides introducing the ancient Yemeni human civilization, Kazinform cites Saba.
This story was printed at: Monday, 17-June-2024 Time: 11:07 AM
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