Tuesday, 25-November-2008
Almotamar Net - The Japanese ambassador to Yemen Masakazu Toshikage on Tuesday expressed his government readiness to offer different aspects of support for improvement of the infrastructure of Yemeni Coast Guard forces and development of its performance. Almotamar.net - The Japanese ambassador to Yemen Masakazu Toshikage on Tuesday expressed his government readiness to offer different aspects of support for improvement of the infrastructure of Yemeni Coast Guard forces and development of its performance.

That came in a meting of the ambassador with general Rashad al-Misri, the Yemeni Minister of Interior. The meeting discussed the Japanese government support for development of Yemeni Coast Guard troops and to supply it with capabilities necessary for carrying out their role in protection and securing international navigation in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.

The Interior Ministry website mentioned that the Minister of Interior praised the support offered by the Japanese government in the field of developing Yemeni Coast Guard forces, expressing his hope in increasing development of aspects of support offered by the Japanese side.
This story was printed at: Thursday, 26-September-2024 Time: 11:30 PM
Original story link: http://www.almotamar.net/en/5598.htm