Almotamar Net - Vice President Abdu Rabu Mansur Hadi asserted on Sunday that the kidnappers of the three German tourists will get deterrent punishment according to the valid laws.

Sunday, 21-December-2008, Saba - Vice President Abdu Rabu Mansur Hadi asserted on Sunday that the kidnappers of the three German tourists will get deterrent punishment according to the valid laws.

During his meeting with the German ambassador to Sana'a Michael Klor-Berchtold, Hadi voiced his satisfaction of ending up the kidnapping by releasing the Germans peacefully.

He also expressed deep regret and apologies of the government and people of Yemen to German President Horst Koehler, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the German friendly people.

This act by the kidnappers reflects only their mentality, the VP said, considering it as abnormal and terrorist act.

He noted that President Ali Abdullah Saleh has followed up the unfortunate incident asserting the three Germans are not harmed.

The German diplomat expressed the thanks of the Germany to the Yemen's leadership for its efforts to end the incident peacefully, emphasizing that it would not impacts on the German-Yemeni good relations.

This story was printed at: Monday, 28-October-2024 Time: 08:53 AM
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