Saturday, 26-August-2006 - Many politicians and academics have described the Joint Meeting Parties' platform as illogical and a leap over reality as it approaches the future through the door of the past.
At a symposium entitled "The Presidential Candidate and the Requirements of the Coming Stage," organized by the Arab Critic Forum today, Ahmed Al-Soufi, Director of the Democracy Development Center, said that "through my reading of the platforms of presidential candidates, I did not see the point in the JMP mysterious platform that has glossed over many important issues, most important of which being the respect for human rights charters and the achievements made in Yemen so far."
He added, "No disrespect to Faisal bin Shamlan, I cannot impart to him what I want because he has five bosses. How come that he can mange our political life in the manner we aspire for."
He pointed out that ironically Bin Shamlan has promoted the slogan of Ban-Arabism while he has failed to join two parties.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Ajel, a Sana'a University professor, explained that Bin Shamlan's platform includes "significant and serious remarks which violate the national fundamentals and political regime as he says that he seeks to achieve national reconciliation."
Al-Soufi considered the candidacy of bin Shamlan as an award to a party that lead the 1994 war. He stressed that going towards the future cannot be achieved by returning to the 78 and 94 events.
"We have a national unity which we must lay on a firm political ground," he added.
Dr. Al-Ajel further added that "The JMP candidate is not unanimously favored by the political pressure forces as he does not have a record of successful leadership experiences let alone leading a country and a nation like Yemen."
He confirmed that, in all public polls and surveys, the crowds have linked the elections and their results to the protection of achievements and security and adding to them.
Yet, he denounced the attitude of ingratitude towards such accomplishments while we are "the nation of values and morals."
He added that it is enough for Ali Abdullah Saleh to have reunified Yemen when the greatest country in the world collapsed without a bullet.
On the other hand, Dr. Abdul-Wase' Aqlan, Director of the Arab Critic Forum, mentioned that the GPC's platform shows the ambitious determination to reform the shortcomings of the government while the JMP platform fails to consider its lacking the parliamentarian majority which may fail any political reform and therefore is impractical and is illogical.
"If we vote for Bin Shamlan, we would undergo endless crises," he warned.
Aidarous Al-Naqeeb, president of the Yemen Socialist Party's parliamentarian bloc, said "I respect President Ali Abdullah Saleh very much. I do not deny any achievements such as schools, tarmac roads, and hospitals, but we hope for more reforms for the flaws that accompanied the GPC's rule."
Abdullah Al-Salimi's intervention commented that the JMP platform speaks maliciously about the reality and destroys everything to build on its ruins.
Saleh Al-Soufi said that the people are calling on Ali Abdullah Saleh to achieve unity, democracy, and development and not for mere promises and slogans on paper meant for sheer competition.
This story was printed at: Saturday, 26-October-2024 Time: 03:20 PM
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